Today being 15/08/2021 Catholic Church all over the world have celebrated the solemnity of our blessed virgin Mary. Mary is the mother of God. Assumption in Catholic Church means ascending into heaven. Assumption of our blessed virgin Mary is a celebration that is usually come once every year. Today Catholic Church all over the world is remembering this day that our blessed mother ascend to heaven soul and body. When angle Gabriel visited mary and tell her the good news. That she give birth to the saviour of the world. Mary answered let it be done according to your will.
Big brother naija is a show that normally come once every year, it is popularly known as bbnaija. This year big brother naija show have started. Popular people in the house are angle and cross. Angle said if she had chance, she will have sex with cross. She asked cross if he want to have sex, who will he have sex with, cross said is angel. This proves that all this while angel and cross are in love with each other. if am to vote, I will vote for angel and cross.