Prayer is a way of communicating to God, it is means that is universally accepted to talk to God. It is a way of telling God your problems. God instruct us before you pray, close your door and pray to your heavenly father. The best prayer to say is the one you prayed by your self. If you want to succeed in life make prayer your companion.
As it is Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer, that is to as a Christian you need prayer to conquer trials and temptation that full the world as of today.
Our forefathers they succeeded by prayer, somebody like Abraham, who is today refer as a father of faith. All the saints are also example of people that succeeded through prayer. Prayer is a means of conquering difficult time, faith is means of winning any difficult time in life.
Every condition is possible, meet God in prayer he will answer you. God told us in mathew 7 verse seven which says ask and you will receive, seek and you will find and knock and the door will be open for you.
As a Christian you really need prayer to succeed.
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Thank you and remain bless.